Thank You Letter To The Customer Attend Training Courses

Dear Everybody,

First of all, the Organizing Committee would like to send health wishes and sincere thanks to Mr/Mrs. Students who attended the training course : ” GUIDANCE ON COMPLEMENTING PROCESS AND MODEL OF UNCERTAINLY IN TESTING FOOD MICROBIOLOGY ” dated 20/03/2021. Hope that, this training course supports the Academy in:

  1. Write a guide for calculating uncertainty in testing of food microbiology in accordance with ISO 19036: 2019.
  2. Practice uncertainty calculation for CFU technique (method without confirmation and colonization).
  3. Practice calculating uncertainty for MPN technique.
    Develop forms for recording uncertainty.
  4. Develop forms for recording uncertainty.

The organizers always keep in mind that the support and trust of you are the biggest source of motivation and success. They will always open their hearts to receive sincere feedback from you to improve service quality in upcoming training sessions.

Once again, the Organizing Committee would like to express our thanks to you for your valuable time attending the training. They wants to continue to receive the support and trust of the students in the next time.

We wish all of you great health and success.

Best regards !